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Jean-Jacques Finsterwald

Honored in
As the first person to hold the office of President of the World Water Ski Union for more than four years, Jean-Jacques Finsterwald exercised more influence on the international development of the sport than anyone since Andre Coutau.
J-J, as he was known to everyone, was a member of the Executive Board of the World Water Ski Union for nearly twenty years, as President and Secretary-General of Group II and as WWSU President. During that period, J-J helped water skiing to gain in Olympic status, to become involved in the first World Games, to increase and to lose television revenues, to add new disciplines, and to expand commercial relationships. He was the first President of the WWSU to travel whenever and wherever in the world his official presence could help to promote the sport. When his seven-year reign as President ended in 1983, his accomplishments, achieved through ambition for and devotion to the sport, were monumental.
I am pleased to announce the induction into the International Hall of Fame of one of water skiing's most powerful and effective administrators: Jean- Jacques Finsterwald.