The Legacy Program is an opportunity to recognize enthusiasts and historic memorabilia or events meaningful to the towed water sports community while providing financial support to USA Water Ski and Wake Sports Foundation. THIS IS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH OUR HALL OF FAME.
Legacies have no prequalifying conditions, are not judged, and are procured by groups, individuals or corporations to recognize the legacy; however, all submissions are subject to review by the Foundation prior to acceptance and may be denied for any reason. The intent of the program is fundraising. Upon acceptance, the Legacy remains as a permanent artifact of the USA Water Ski & Wake Sports Foundation as long as the Foundation website is active.
A Water Ski Legacy may be any person, innovation, innovator, sites, or event which has a local or national impact upon the development or notoriety of water skiing or towable water sport activities within a recognized discipline of USA Water Ski & Wake Sports.
Legacies are recognized with a picture and a brief biography identifying their contribution or noteworthy accomplishments to towable water sports on the Legacy Page on the USA-WWF website. It will become a permanent feature of the USA-WWF website and virtual museum.
Legacies are not required to meet any defined criteria, but all submitted photos and copy are subject to editorial review.
Legacies are not required to be associated with water sports competition.
Examples of legacies might be:
An individual of personal or community note
A site or local body of water recognized for water sport activities, currently or historically
An official, driver, promoter, innovator, or simply an enthusiast, living or deceased
A product, program, or commercial endeavor pertinent to the towable water sports community
A PREMIER LEGACY is recognized by one picture followed by no more than a 300-word description of accomplishments, notes of interest and/or impact on the local community. Sponsoring entities are responsible for providing the desired photo (one per Legacy) and up to 300 words of biographical copy. All submissions are subject to editorial review. Receiving a submission does not obligate USA-WWF to accept or publish the legacy submission. A Premier Legacy may be funded with a $1,000 donation to the USA Water Ski & Wake Sports Foundation General Fund.
A PRIME LEGACY with identifying nomenclature (limited to three words or identifier) but no biographical or informational copy will qualify with a $750.00 donation to the USA Water Ski & Wake Sports Foundation General Fund.
Legacies may be funded by:
State Federations
Civic Organizations
Industry groups
Participating individual donors or groups will be listed when practical.
All revenues generated through the Legacy Program will be applied to the USA-WWF General Fund for use in the operation of the Foundation.
Water Sport Legacies
Name of Recipient
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