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Max Kirwan

Honored in
Max Kirwan has not only represented the Asian-Australasian Region, he is the Asian-Australasian Region (or Group III. depending on how far back your involvement in organized water skiing goes). It would be easy to believe that Max began promoting water skiing with the appearance of water on Earth.
Just over four and a half decades ago, Max co-founded a tournament which has since become one of the most prestigious in the world and a pioneer in offering cash prizes-the Moomba Masters. He has been involved with that event in one capacity or another ever since.
After serving for a dozen years as President of the Australian Water Ski Association, Max moved up to President of his Region in 1978, continuing in that office for a quarter of a century until retiring in 2003. During that period the Region grew from one which was essentially Australia and New Zealand to encompass sixteen active federations today. Because of their importance to water skiing in Australia, Max played a major role in bringing barefooting and racing into the IWSF fraternity. His efforts on behalf of the sport in Australia earned Max the Order of Australia Medal.
Max has never been shy about promoting the virtues of water skiing as a sport and the merits of his Region within that sport. In fact, he is almost certainly the only IWSF official who has literally blown his own horn on behalf of our sport.
I am pleased to announce the induction into the International Hall of Fame of the guiding organizational spirit for his third of the world of water skiing, Max Kirwan.