Andrea Sparling Plough
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Sparling-Plough Family
My legacy begins in 1957 while attending Chico State University…..
I had never tried water skiing and one very hot day I was invited to go skiing on the Sacramento River, which had an extremely strong current even though I never got up and went far, this was the beginning of meeting skiers and developing strong friendships.
A few years I met my husband and moved to Redding, California. Redding also a hot place; before air-conditioning other than swamp coolers which always made me sick. To get cool we bought a J3 with a 35hp outboard so we could cruise Shasta Lake. After work we headed straight for the lake four or five times a week. Now, I am good, I can stay up on the skis and even transfer to one ski. Thankfully there is no current - no slalom course but just plain fun!
Later we moved to Berkeley, California where I grew up. After having our son and for financial reasons we had to sell our boat. We missed skiing so much we bought an old boat that was held together with metal plumbing pipes. We skied at Lake Berryessa in the Napa wine area. One night while resting at the bar three men came in wearing Berkeley Water Ski Club jackets. The thought came to me that if I could get my son involved in this club it would keep him off the streets of Berkeley. For those that are familiar with the ski club and area know of the Berkeley Aquatic Park home of two Water Ski Nationals.
After finding out when the club meetings were held I attended. Within a few months my son was taking lessons from Mike Suyderhoud and I am sure he will be a star. Actually the only reason he skied is because I bribed him promising a Maharajah ski. One day Al Frosini, explained to me that my son was not good at skiing and should go to the delta to ski rather than take up others time at the park. Since the ski club needed volunteers I became the treasurer and later served as President in 1974 and 1975.
I then became the Executive Vice President (EVP) of the Western Region in 1975 and 1976, and a member of the AWSA Board of Directors. I served as President of the AWSA 1996-1998 and in 1999 AWSA became a discipline under the umbrella of the new formation of the USA-Water Ski as the governing body and I served as President from 1999-2001.
I share with you that all these positions would not have happened if not for the wonderful core of volunteers and friendships developed along the way through the years.