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The George Family
You can’t begin to talk about the roots of competitive water skiing in Georgia without including the George Family; Joe, Deanna, Stacey, and Tarp. Joe and Deanna were there at the beginning and continued to support the sport for years afterward until Joe’s passing in 1992 and Deanna’s retirement in 1996. Joe spent many years as an outstanding Sr. Judge and Deanna the same as a Senior Scorer. Tarp became an accomplished three event skier and was always known for his aggressive jumping techniques. Stacey, although lost in a tragic accident at an early age, was a supporter to all in her extended Water Skiing family.
Joe and Deanna began skiing on Jackson Lake in the 1950’s. Their first tournaments were on Lake Lanier in the early 1960’s. The Georges were a founding family in the Acworth Ski Club in 1966 which still exists today as the Atlanta Water Ski Club. They were one of the original founding families of the Georgia Water Ski Federation in 1974 with Joe serving as its first Vice President and Second President. Deanna served numerous terms as Secretary/Treasurer.
Joe and Deanna worked more local tournaments than they could ever count and more Regionals and Nationals than they could remember. Joe served as Chief Judge for numerous events and Deanna culminated her scoring career as the Chief Scorer for the World Championships in England in 1987. Joe and Deanna were inducted into the Georgia Water Ski Hall of Fame. The George Family’s contributions to the sport rests firmly in the many grass roots skiers and officials they inspired to make their own individual contributions to the sport they loved and enjoyed so much for so long.
From the Skiers of Georgia, our heart felt appreciation, love, and admiration to the George Family for all their contributions. We would not be here today if not for them.