Shaun Murray
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Shaun Murray was a four-time world champion wakeboarder. He was born on April 28, 1976 in Mission Viejo, Calif., and started water skiing at the age of 8. In 1988, he moved with his family to Lake St. Louis, Mo., where he honed his skills as a member of the Lake St. Louis Water Ski Club. After graduating from high school, he moved to Florida to compete for the Florida Southern College water ski team and teach water skiing at the Benzel Ski School. His wakeboarding career started in 1995 and was full of innovation and accomplishment, including many pro tour and world championship titles. Murray invented several wakeboard tricks, including the Bel Air, Tweety Bird, Square Raley, Crook, Crow 5, Heelside frontside and more. He promoted his own "Backyard Tour" with pro rider and friend Gerry Nunn; has been featured in many wakeboard movies, magazine and television pieces; created his own wakeboard instructional series entitled "Detention;" and was the star of his own video game, Wakeboarding Unleashed. In the summer of 2004, Murray dislocated his knee while riding. He tore his ACL, PCL, and MCL. After reconstructive surgery he was told he might not ride again. But, just months later he was back riding. He helped develop signature products that include boats, wakeboards, life jackets, wet suits and clothing lines. Murray was the first wakeboarder to land a 900 (Regular Heelside) in a competition, and he is the only rider ever to hold World, Pro Tour and National Championship titles at once.